Daily Archives: Thursday August 21st, 2014

《We Are • HKMPS》 
A world-class international music and performing arts academic institution and cultural destination
Please contact us if you want to invest in music art and culture or donate to our School Construction Project, nurturing the next generation of music artists. 

Engaging in classical music is sometimes regarded as a luxury. On the contrary, I believe that classical music makes our hearts richer: it touches souls and moves people in positive ways. Its value and its history throughout the world simply cannot be measured. I strongly feel that every individual should have access to this wonderful heritage and the possibility to meet classical music at some times in their lives. Classical music is also a universal language, one that goes beyond barriers. It’s a great channel for uniting all people and for creating world peace.

My music dream started at the age of three. I’m not a musical genius, but perhaps more importantly imbued with a hard-working ethic and a desire for excellence. I’m ready to bring my music to new heights in the community. I hope my dream can also motivate others to pursue the joys of classical music.

2014 is the year of the magical horse – the one that has supernatural powers, is heroic, strong, and can even fly! The horse years promises to bring us all good fortune and good luck. The year of the horse is also the year of HKMPS. I hope that through the work of HKMPS I can share my good fortune and happiness with you all.

Never give up when you reach the finish line!!


Founding Dean
Hong Kong Music and Performing School


墨刻畫 (手刻陶瓷畫) 是將雕刻、陶藝的理念融入水墨畫、版畫、裝飾畫等元素而形成的一種獨特的藝術。把刀刻技法理解成肌理現象,結合畫面又把肌理現象用墨色裝潢,是畫面既有雕刻的立體效果,又有中國畫的水墨畫韻。



1. 墨刻作品;秋山訪友 (600mm x 600mm) x3山嵐疊嶂,木葉蕭蕭,曲徑通幽處,一賢達攜童子前往山林深處,拜訪故友,他們聆聽天籟,觀望鱗波,陶醉於大自然的美景。

2. 墨刻作品;齊白石蝦 (600mm x 600mm) x3墨刻的方法表現出了墨的韻味,殼的質感,將嬉戲靈動的蝦,表現得遊刃有餘。

3. 墨刻作品;仿張大千仿古山水畫 (600mm x 600mm) x2用墨刻技法表現清墨淡嵐的沒骨畫法,彰顯張大千清新俊逸之俊美畫風。

4. 墨刻作品;富春山居圖 (600mm x 600mm) x4靈活的墨刻刀法,以最大限度的表現名畫線條的張力,和華潤的墨色,來靠近山水畫巔峰之作。

5. 陶藝;村長系列還原焰,貝燒1180度,作品高70cm,通過“土改”,“文革”,“改革開放”三個時期的村幹部面貌,史詩般的反應了中國解放以來的輝煌歷程。

6. 陶藝;陝西八大怪還原焰1180度極富張力的泥板和及其嫺熟的手法,演繹出濃濃的西北風情,生活中平凡樸實的人們卻蘊藏著極强的藝術感染力。

7. 陶藝;祈雨還原焰,1180度,高60cm,快看,天空出現烏雲了,這次會下雨嗎?不要再繼續乾旱了,不要再讓我們失望了,老天開恩,颳風吧,打雷吧,下雨吧。

8. 陶藝;老火湯還原焰1180度高50cm記不得,這老火湯要文火慢煲,砂鍋裡面的藥材和肉慢慢滲到湯裏,煲出的湯,味道才够香,才够濃,這是廣東人的最愛,也是廣東人的智慧。

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